Coloured glass and mirrors

Coloured Glass and Mirrors, stereo sound recording 6’ 42” 2021.

A vision for a better future drives our political beliefs and actions. Visions are not simply personal, but contextual, social and historical, and are embodied by leaders, groups and communities. This short sound work mixes a chronology of personal politics with the words and songs of revolutionary movements and key figures of the 1950s, 60s and 70s, through the trauma of the 1980s, to the intersectional feminism of the 21stcentury. 

The piece was made in response to a call-out by the writing and performance blog Something Other for work on Visions. It was part of a listening event hosted by Ignota Books, a small press that describes itself as 'an experiment in the techniques of awakening.' on Friday 23rd July 2021, which is the night of a full moon.