No alcohol 'til it's finished: Anne Tucker and Alison Hamilton


This describes a collaboration I had with my friend Alison. We spent all of yesterday afternoon and evening and a bit of this morning making marmalade. We’ve ended up making about 30 jars in four separate batches!
We have done this before - historically we’ve been doing it together for about three years (with her partner John) and before that she used to do it with her mum and I used to do it every year in various different ways when we lived in the commune.
So we worked together pretty successfully this time. It’s a bit of a tricky thing :  you have to get the timing right so it does not overcook; you also have to negotiate safely a lot of extremely hot boiling sugar,  cos you don’t want to burn anybody .... and there’s also hot jars, hot lids and moving backwards and forwards lugging big pans of liquid . Recipe for disaster - so NO ALCOHOL TIL ITS FINISHED! 
Right - now what happened this year is that I arrived after the first phase; so all the oranges had already been chopped and cooked in the water and all the little Pups and pith had been put in bags ready. So my job when I first arrived was to  do what we called “milking the cow bag“  - where  you squeeze all the pectin out of these little bags full of pips - you squeeze and squeeze and squeeze so loads of pectin-filled pith goes into the liquid. 
Having got as much out as we possibly could, we put the jampan of water and oranges on the cooker, allow it to warm up then we add the sugar which we’ve had to measure out .... and I have to say one of our trickiest mementos between us was  making sure we had 1.6 kg of sugar going into each batch.  Since  we couldn’t put 1.6 kg of sugar into one weighing scale, we had to do two loads (which meant we had to therefore work out where have we got to at the end of the first one and then how many grams left to put in for the second load) aaargh! Arguments (a little) .... that was fun as well as worrying and the only moment we had a panic during the last two days was when was the third batch we were cooking seemed to be taking extremely long - we began to wonder whether we perhaps hadn’t put enough sugar in it or got the measurements a little bit wrong. 
Resolved with MATHEMATICS! Everything ended up fine and now we have just completed the whole process 29 little jars of marmalade and they are absolutely beautiful tasting!
Such  good fun - we  didn’t have any problems. 
The interesting thing is that 
A) we have done marmalade together before so likely to go ok
B) we are very different personalities - I am very happy go lucky; Al is much more methodical and organised  so you could imagine this being a recipe for disaster 😜😝😛
But it wasn’t!